smart · digital · integrated
Our tailored solutions assist you in the development, optimization, and digitization of patient pathways.
We bring our national and international experiences to your projects and support innovative solutions.

Patient pathway modeling and pathway repository
Our PATHOS modeling tool enables the development and seamless management of patient pathways. The tool includes features specifically tailored to the healthcare domain, such as the integration of quality aspects, references and evidence indicators. FHIR-based interfaces ensure the seamless utilization of pathway contents.

Digital occupational therapy process documentation
In collaboration with the German Association for Occupational Therapy, we have developed a portal that makes anonymized data from the ETpro occupational therapy process documentation accessible for research – a milestone for evidence-based occupational therapy.

Healthcare networks in low-resource contexts
In collaboration with the Association of Private Health Insurance, we analyzed practical examples of existing healthcare networks in Germany to identify successful solutions with potential for transfer to other regions. This supports the development of networks in the context of limited resources in healthcare.

The minds behind
We combine system development expertise with scientific knowledge and methods. With a focus on digital, pathway-based solutions, we drive digital innovation and promote efficient, connected healthcare delivery.
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